IPBX Tiptel 8000 Business Security and Reliability Manages Up to 240 Handsets

Sale price£340.00



High Capacity IPBX

For which companies?

This Pabx from Tiptel is suitable for SMEs that have communication needs requiring the connection of up to 240 handsets.

In the event of renewal of an installation, it also constitutes a reliable and cost-effective alternative to replacing the company's entire LAN network.

The functionalities of Tiptel’s Pabx business

  • compatible with the ISDN network and with the IP network (for SIP operators)

  • All the options necessary for professional use are present in this Pabx to allow real flexibility depending on needs and staff numbers. Tiptel has notably added the redirection of voice messages to an e-mail address, automatic greeting and the use of remote stations.

  • up to 3 extension racks to complete the central unit (they connect via ethernet cable). 3 slots for expansion cards (digital or analog stations) and 8 analog interfaces per rack.

  • this Tiptel Pabx is designed to fit into a patch bay

Dedicated applications for industrial, hotel and medical activities

The 8000 business is a Pabx which allows you to install business applications developed for Tiptel by Optiflow and CRMS.

The notification solution (Surycat) is specifically designed for the healthcare, industrial and hospitality markets. The software improves the responsiveness of field workers by connecting people to important information for rapid intervention: fire starting in a kitchen, machine breaking down in a workshop, patient requesting care, etc.

In addition, the CRMS application allows the Pabx to strengthen hospital communication since Tiptel's 8000 business allows you to benefit from a sick call offer that is easy to use and intuitive.

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